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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Play=, for_children: n"
Shamanic Christianity A bold and playful look at what a shamanic Christianity would look like.
Moments In Between Offers many creative avenues of entry into the spiritual practice of play, a.k.a. doing nothing.
A Man Without a Country Vintage Vonnegut filled with wry humor, playfulness, incisive cultural criticism, savage political satire, and spiritual gems.
Improv Wisdom Exercises for a way of living that is playful and creative.
Psychobox Contains tests, optical illusions, and object and sequence recognition tasks.
Something in the Way She Moves A fascinating overview of this phenomenon.
Caught in the Act An elegantly written work that explores the meaning of surrender, going with the flow and simply being.
A Yoga of Indian Classical Dance Insights into women temple dancers, the nine falvors of Indian drama, and the synthesis of yoga and dance.
The Left Hand of God Presents an intellectually adventuresome and free-floating survey of the Holy Spirit.
Telling the Truth A collection of essays challenging ministers to make the most of the imagination and stories in their preaching and teaching.